Sunday, October 16, 2011

I'm Baaack :)

Dear Friends and Family,
    After a considerable period of "radio silence", I am happy to offer you another "Marky update" as some are wont to call it...but first, a picture of me juggling in the private papal gardens at Castel Gandalfo, a feat which may make me the first seminarian/juggler in history to do so!
    Life has been busy, crazy, wonderful, at times frustrating, at all times very blessed!  Since leaving a wonderful pastoral year in Astoria, OR, I took some much needed rest at home before embarking on 7 weeks of intensive Italian school in Middlebury, Vermont.  It was a wonderful experience; I met some new friends and learned a great deal more Italian than I thought possible in a short time.  I then had a week at home before flying here to Rome, where another 2 weeks of Italian study awaited me!  Afterwards, I had a week of Counseling workshops, a week-long silent retreat, a week of homily workshops, and then I helped sing in the choir for the ordination mass of 35 deacons in St. Peter's Basilica--It was truly breathtaking!
    I finally started classes this week, and am beginning the Licentiate/Masters program in Spirituality at the Angelicum.  The professors are awesome and the Lord has blessed me so much to be able to spend the last two years of seminary formation studying the great spiritual masters of our Catholic tradition!  This year I get to take, among other things, classes on St. Catherine of Sienna, St. John of the Cross, early Dominican spirituality, and a seminar on the Agony of Jesus in the Garden...needless to say, it's going to be epic!
   Speaking of epic-ness, here's a few cool photos of stuff we got to do thus far:
First, a tour of the Swiss Guard Barracks

Then, Silent retreat at the beach

St. Paul's Basilica outside the walls
And tons more stuff that I didn't take pictures of cause I'm lazy :)
I will continue to post about God's blessings during the year, and I hope that you are edified by my reflections.  Know that I am praying for all of you and carry you with me whenever I'm on pilgrimage.  May the God of all grace give each of us the strength to live out our vocations in joy!

Peace and Blessings,

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